Freshman Convocation

On Thursday, September 21st, the Class of 2027 gathered at St. Anthony of Padua Church, accompanied by their families, faculty, and staff for Freshman Convocation. Freshman Convocation is one of the first Padua traditions families celebrate with their daughters, and the first time the Class of 2027 gathered with their parents for Mass.

Freshman Convocation is the first of four class masses, one each school year, with special significance. During this ceremony, our newest students united and made a pledge to embrace Padua Academy's mission, embodying the Padua motto, "Sauviter sed Fortiter," which means "Softly but Strongly." They wholeheartedly commit to living out the values of spirituality, scholarship, service, and sisterhood. Freshmen then came forward to receive a yellow rose that signified their shared sisterhood.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Mrs. Karen Duppel, our Director of Campus Ministry, for her diligent coordination of Convocation, Mr. Joe Louden for gracing us with his musical talents, and Rev. Mark J. Wrightson for leading a poignant liturgy that enriched the Mass commemorating this significant occasion.

Thank you also to those students involved in the Mass:

Lectors, Cantor, and Gift Bearers:
Cantor - Elizabeth McMunn '24
1st Reading - Allison Malone '24
2nd Reading & Prayer of the Faithful- Sarah Voigt '25
Gift Bearers - Hannah Kortas '27 & Symphony Jones '27

Eucharistic Ministers: Hannah King '24, Ava Martuscelli '24, and Abigail Torres '24

Reflection: Hannah King '24

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Spirituality. Scholarship. Service. Sisterhood.