It's a wrap for Engineer Week 2023 on Broom Street! This past week was filled with engineering-themed activities focusing on increasing the understanding of and interest in engineering careers, hopefully sparking some future engineers or solidifying the decision for students already set on this career path! Twenty-one teams competed in a tower build using only uncooked spaghetti and tape to build the tallest structure that would support a marshmallow. There was also a glider build competition to see which would go the farthest, a scavenger hunt, and an engineering quiz. Thursday, during the activity period, students could attend a Panel Discussion in Roberto Hall with 12 alumnae engineers ( 7 in-person & 5 virtual) who spoke about their careers/majors and what drew them to that decision.
We want to thank our Engineering Alumnae panel for participating! Virtually: Kat Tchinnis '15, Taylor Witte '16, Ruth Wilhelm ‘21, Victoria DeLissio '16, and Bailey Apostolico ‘17. In-person: Sonia Marichic ‘95, Wendy Kavanaugh Abernathy ’83, Richella Pandiscio ‘00, Colleen Murray '15, Lauren Jablonowski Delaney '06, Courtney Gempp '17, Sydney Przywara '18. Our panel discussion topics included bio-medical, mechanical, electrical, textile and civil engineering, materials, and project site design engineering.